Monday, 6 May 2019

How to Write Lyrics to a Beat

How to Write Lyrics to a Beat 

Starting out on songwriting can be tough and knowing how to write a song, lyrics particularly, are essential for the overall composition. Many people find it hard because they just don't know where to start from. Some people write before coming up with the melody while others arrange the music and write the lyrics according to the music. It should be kept in mind that whichever pattern you follow, there must be a balance between the music and the lyrics.

This comprehensive guide to writing hit songs will help you learn how to write a song no matter what genre of music you make, and whether you want to write lyrics as a singer, or write rap lyrics to a hip hop beat. 

Click Here For More 









1 comment:

  1. This is just the information I am finding everywhere. Thanks for your blog, I just subscribe your blog. This is a nice blog.. sorry lyrics
